動 dong

《動》是一个对于行为艺术及肢体语言的纪录。在作画的过程中,参与者会身穿工业护服, 并且每人用手提着个人挑选的丙烯颜料泼到画布上,从而用身体来作为绘画的工具。《動》 分为两个部分,分别被命名为《秩序》与《解放》。作画的过程很大部分是由作者与参与 者之间的交流所奠定基础的,但在两个部分的作画过程中,作者以两种截然不同的方式去 与参与者进行交流。在《秩序》中,参与者会闭上双眼,听从作者的一切指挥。而在《解 放》里,作者与参与者一样身穿保护服,与他们一起用肢体作画,并且参与者和作者都可 以不受束缚地自由创作。 一方面,《動》用参与者的动作表达去人类肢体的美感,同时也在用人本身作为一支画笔, 用最亲密的方式去贴近画作。在另一方面,用两种作家与参与者的交流方式去发射两种截 然不同的社会环境:《秩序》表达了在一个集权的社会环境里,人们的生活都会收到限制, 被无形的指令蒙蔽着双眼,不知道自己下一步该踏向哪。《解放》则表达了一个以人为本 的理想社会,人们拥有创造的自由,他们双眼是明亮的,他们所走的每一步,所做的每一 个动作都能被自己所权衡。

Dòng is documentational painting made through the process of performance and body movements. During the making of piece, the participants will be dressed with coverall, and pick their preferred buckets of paint to pour on the canvas. They would then use their bodies as the tool to paint.

Dòng is composed with two separate pieces — Chaos and Order. The making process is largely determined by the interactions between the artist and the participants. The artist would engage in two completely diverse manners with the participants. In the making of Order, the participants were asked to close their eyes, and move through the surface of the canvas in command of the artist. Yet, in the making of Chaos, the artist existed among the participants, he drew as well as the others, and this time there is no limit placed upon how they would like to engage with the canvas.

Dòng uses the body language to pursue the beauty of human movements, at the same time, it also erases the blockage (tools) between human and the canvas, human then becomes the brush, the tool, controlled by only their aesthetic nature. Furthermore, with the two diverse interactions between the artist and the participants, it evokes two different social scenarios. Oder is a mean to criticize a centralized government, where the people fell short under its power. Chaos then is to represent the essence of utopian freedom, where everyone exists with harmony, they are the dominant force of their existence.